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Course Descriptions

Environmental Health Science Undergraduate Course Descriptions

EHS 230 Recreational Health (3) Provides the student with an understanding of the biological, chemical and physical threats to health and life from the recreational, amusement, travel and tourist environments.

EHS 280 One Health: Global Environmental Public Health (3) Elements of environmental health, including water and waste treatment, air pollution, food sanitation, vector control, solid waste disposal, and general sanitation problems.

EHS 300 Water and Health. (4) Prerequisite: EHS 280. Prerequisite/Corequisite: BIO 320 or CLT 209 and CLT 211. Drinking water safety in both individual private systems and larger public systems. Maintenance of raw water quality, water purification, delivery systems, and surveillance. Techniques for collection, treatment, and disposal of sewerage also discussed.

EHS 335 Hazardous and Solid Waste Management. (3)  Prerequisites: CHE 111, 111L and EHS 280; or departmental approval. Corequisite:  EHS 285. Nature of toxic and hazardous wastes and methods for their disposal to protect health and the environment and to prevent contamination of groundwater. The environmental health and safety aspects of solid waste collection, treatment and disposal, and regulations governing waste management are also discussed.

EHS 340 Total Worker Health Principles. (3)  Prerequisites: BIO 121, CHE 111, 111L and EHS 280; or departmental approval. The impact of the workplace on safety and health, and methods for avoiding work‑related illnesses. Emphasis will be on the evaluation and the control of the work environment to protect worker health.

EHS 345 Applied Total Worker Health. (4)  Prerequisite: EHS 340 or departmental approval. In‑depth discussion of the chemical and physical hazards of the workplace and their evaluation and toprovide hands‑on experience in industrial hygiene sampling and analysis.

EHS 349 Applied Learning in Environmental Health Science. (1‑6) Prerequisite:  departmental approval. Work in placements related to academic studies. One to six hours credit per semester or summer. A minimum of 80 hours work required for academic credit.

EHS 349 A-N Cooperative Study:  Environmental Health Science. (1‑6) Prerequisite:  departmental approval. Work in placements related to academic studies. One to six hours credit per semester or summer. A minimum of 80 hours work required for academic credit.

EHS 355 CBR Terrorism & Environmental Health. (3) This course will provide students with environmental health principles required to protect individuals and communities in times of war, general emergencies and disaster, both natural and human, due to chemical, biological and radioactive threats.

EHS 360 Air Quality & Climate Change. (4) A. Prerequisites: CHE 112, 112L and EHS 280; or departmental approval. Health effects of air pollution, including a discussion of the primary sources of airborne pollutants, their transport and transformation, the control of

EHS 370 Environmental Disease Detectives:  Epidemiology. (3) Prerequisites:  EHS 280 and STA 215; or departmental approval. The use of data to define the health effects of exposed individuals or populations to hazardous materials and situations.

EHS 380 Food Security and Sanitation. (3) Prerequisites: EHS 280 or departmental approval.  A study of the health effects of food-borne disease, including an in-depth discussion of the physical, chemical, and biological contaminants that cause an estimated 76 million cases of food-borne illnesses annually in the U.S. An examination of the food processing and food service industry’s failings and efforts to prevent food-borne illness will be the primary focus.

EHS 425 One Health:  Planning to Practical Application. (3) Prerequisites: EHS 280 and 335. Administration, planning, implementation, and evaluation of environmental health programs. Discussion of resources and promotional techniques, and the role of the environmental health specialist dealing with community, state, and regional agencies.

EHS 440 Environmental and Industrial Toxicology. (3)  Prerequisites: CHE 112, 112L and EHS 280; or departmental approval. Health effects and nature of toxic substances with discussion of dose‑response relationships, latency, target organs, and potential exposures in the environment.

EHS 460 Healthy Housing and Sustainability. (3) Prerequisite: EHS 280 or departmental approval. Corequisite: EHS 485.  Discusses the requirements for healthful housing means of attaining and maintaining these requirements.  Reviews environmental health concerns relating to day‑care centers, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons. Describes surveillance, evaluative, and corrective methods.

EHS 463 Field Experience in Environmental Health. (3)  Prerequisites: EHS 300, 335, 380, and departmental approval. Supervised and directed field experience in local, state, regional environmental health agencies, or with appropriate industries. Eight to twelve weeks full‑time required depending on work place.

EHS 485 Life after College: The Professional. (1)  Prerequisite: 90 hours. Corequisite:  EHS 460. Provides the graduating student a certification and licensure review for their required state and national exams. The student will also be taught how to develop professional success strategies and long range career plans.

EHS 510 Radiological Health and Safety (3) Provides the student with the principles of health effects from ionizing radiation, including radiation sources, detection, measurement, control, and safety devices. Student will be able to identify, evaluate and control radiation in the work environment; implement a radiation monitoring program; establish emergency plans for actions to be taken in event of radiological accident; develop risk assessment and communication program. Credit will not be awarded for both EHS 510 and 410 air pollution, state and national standards

EHS 530 Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases(3) Prerequisite: BIO 121. The identification and control of arthropods, arachnids, rodents, and other vectors of disease. Review of significant vector borne diseases. Safe use of pesticides will also be discussed.

For more infromation on supporting courses please refer to the home department webpage via the links below.

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